A time to share, reflect and act…

Date:Wednesday, 5th March 2025, 9.30am – 4.30pm 

Museu Maritim de Barcelona


COMET partners have been engaged over three years in the development of a coordinated network of complementary pathways from Africa to Europe. A partnership of fourteen from seven countries has used its collective experience, expertise and creativity to develop common tools, to advocate for new pathways and to meet political and practical challenges over the lifetime of the project.

Our final conference was an opportunity to share insights, analyse work done – and to look to the future.

Expanding on the conclusions within the COMET final report, all of the COMET partners offered useful insights into their experience of implementing the project. These ranged from the nuts and bolts of developing and negotiating the establishment of a pathway to the important work of accompanying those directly involved in using one, whether as hosts or hosted, and the associated psychological implications of that engagement (see more here), whilst the Spanish context was used as a case study for considering the establishment of new pathways.

For partners, the conference was preceded by a visit to the Open Arms search and rescue vessel, currently moored in Barcelona, serving as a sobering reminder of why the work to establish and expand legal pathways is so important. Although the COMET project is concluding, its legacy must be the continuation of this work, strengthened by the relationships forged and the tools, structures and insights developed.

See the recording of the Conference


09.00 – 09.30 Registration
Taking Stock - COMET lessons and achievements
09.30 – 09.45 Welcome and overview
Torsten Moritz - Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe
Fiona Kendall - Federazione delle Chiese Evangeliche in Italia (FCEI)
09.45 – 10.30 Building Pathways
Negotiations, bureaucracy, practical considerations

Giulia Gori - Federazione delle Chiese Evangeliche in Italia (FCEI)
Valentina Brinis - Open Arms
Kirsten de Mik - Justice & Peace Netherlands
Lorenzo Leotardi - UNHCR Multi-country office for Italy, the Holy See and San Marino
10.30 – 11.15 Preparing and Accompanying Participants:
Host communities
Elena Rozzi - Intersos
Ulrich Koehler - Evanglische Kirche von Westfalen
Hannah Sansom - Reset UK
Fiona Kendall - Federazione delle Chiese Evangeliche in Italia (FCEI)

Prince Dengha - Mosaico - Azioni per i Rifugiati
Guilhem Papelard - Forum Réfugiés
Sara Consolato - Refugees Welcome Italia
11.15 – 11.45 Break
11.45 - 12.30 Emerging Challenges - Programme dynamics
Marius Manda - Associazione Frantz Fanon
12.30 – 14.00Lunch
Looking Ahead - Building on COMET
14.00 – 14.30Key Factors in Future Growth of Complementary Pathways
Maria Belen Zanzuchi - Migration Policy Institute Europe (MPIE)
14.30 - 15.30Spain and Catalonia: Learning from COMET and Perspectives on the Future of Safe and Complementary Pathways
Aleksandra Semeriak Gavrilenok - Fons Català de Cooperacio de Desenvelupament (FCCD)
Maria de Zabala - UNHCR Espana
David Herrero - Ministerio de Inclusion, Seguridad Social y Migraciones
15.30 – 16.00Open discussion - Future Perspectives: action and advocacy
moderated by Torsten Moritz - Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe
16.00 - 16.15Reflection from the EU Commission
Sofia Reis Cabral - Directorate-General Migration & Home Affairs, EU Commission
Konstantinos Athanasiadis - Directorate-General Migration & Home Affairs, EU Co
16.15 - 16.30Closing remarks
Torsten Moritz - Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe
Fiona Kendall - Federazione delle Chiese Evangeliche in Italia (FCEI)
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Pictures of the Conference

Visit to the first Open Arms ship