In the framework of the COMET project, Fons Català de Cooperació al Desenvolupament organizes five online training sessions dedicated to the design and implementation of safe routes for people in need of international protection with a municipalist perspective. All sessions will be in Spanish and English with the option of simultaneous translation.
The fourth session will take place on 25/11/2024, from 10:00 to 11:30, dedicated to the meaningful participation of people with lived experience of forced displacement in the design and implementation of safe pathways and dignified receptions. In this session, Association Mosaico – Azioni per i Rifugiati and Kudwa Association will share their work and the initiatives they have developed in collaboration with municipal authorities to ensure a significant participation of migrants and refugees in the design of local responses to the challenges identified in the development of reception programs and access to international protection.
10:00 Welcome
- Aleksandra Semeriak, COMET Project, Fons Català de Cooperació al Desenvolupament
10:15 Meaningful participation of forcibly displaced people in the framework of the COMET Project and collaborative initiatives with the City Council of Turin, Italy
- Associazione MOSAICO – Azioni per i Rifugiati
10:40 Advisory tools to assess the cultural, professional and civic participation of migrants and refugees in municipalities
- Razan Ismaili, Founder and Director General, Kudwa Association
11:05 Q&A
11:25 Closing remarks
Register through the following link.
The complete program can be consulted through the website of Fons Català. The aim of the sessions is to raise awareness of the importance of guaranteeing the right to international protection and to promote the active involvement of city councils and other local agents in the creation of this type of project. In addition, the aim is to create a space for the exchange of good practices and collective reflection on shared challenges and opportunities, while promoting opportunities for training and improving processes and resources, encouraging collaboration between various levels governments, NGOs, civil society, the private sector and communities with lived experience of forced displacement.