News & stories
SAFE NATIONAL CONFERENCE Community sponsorship
Two of COMET's partners (FCEI and Forum Réfugiés) are also involved in the AMIF-funded SAFE project which is about to hold a conference in Rome on the topic of community sponsorship.[...]
Global Gathering for Sponsorship
The Global Gathering for Sponsorship, held in Lisbon from 7 to 9 November, brought together 130 experts from 4 continents and 23 different countries.
New publication: recruitment and retention of sponsors
MPI Europe partners recently produced and released a report exploring challenges and innovative strategies for the recruitment and retention of sponsors in sponsorship programs.
Conference on Resettlement, Humanitarian Admission, and Complementary Pathways to Refugee Protection
The "Conference on Resettlement, Humanitarian Admission, and Complementary Pathways to Refugee Protection" will take place in Berlin from 23-24 November 2023.
Webinar: Complementary Pathways and Secondary Movement
Despite increased discussions and activities on complementary pathways into protection into the EU in recent years, one issue has emerged but rarely been discussed: the secondary movement of beneficiaries of complementary pathways.
Habib and Aymard, their experience at the University of Clermont Auvergne
This association provides clinical mental care, psychological support and psychotherapy for individuals and families with migrant backgrounds. [...]
Associazione Frantz Fanon, Where Medical and Psychological Knowledge Meet Anthropological Studies
This association provides clinical mental care, psychological support and psychotherapy for individuals and families with migrant backgrounds. [...]
10 people from Niger admitted to Germany via the NesT programme
According to agreements within the framework of the COMET programme, 10 people from Niger, the country of first asylum, are to be admitted to Germany via the NesT programme this year. [...]
5 students arrived to continue their studies
The 5 students welcomed by the University of Clermont Auvergne arrived on Tuesday the 5th. They will begin their academic year next week. They are three young women and two young men refugeed [...]
The Importance of Research and Monitoring
Research and practical policy design is essential for governmental and non-governmental stakeholders who seek more effective management of immigration, immigrant integration, and asylum systems. [...]
University corridor
For the 2nd year within the framework orf the COMET project, the University of Clermont Auvergne will be welcoming students who were refugees in a first country of asylum along the Central Mediterranean route and who wish to continue their studies in France. [...]
Key principles and objectives: equity and partnerships
COMET is part of the global ecosystem of admissions programs. Its civil society partners support the key principles and objectives set out in this year’s NGO statement, key amongst which are additionality, equity and partnerships. [...]
University Corridor, Safe Path to Build a Solid Professional Career
Primitive arrived at the Université Jean Monnet in Saint Etienne (France) though the UNIV’R university corridors programme – University for Refugees, a broad network piloted by UNHCR which, through Forum Réfugiés, is part of the COMET project [...]
Mahyadine and the Story of the Family who Welcomed Him
Mahyadine is 17, he comes from Darfour in Sudan. He has been living with Wanda and her family in Turin, in the North of Italy, for about 2 months, through the project Pagella in Tasca. Pagella in Tasca is one of the programmes participating in the COMET network of legal pathways facilitating a new start for people in need of international protection. Promoted by Intersos and UNHCR, it brings unaccompanied minors to Italy to complete their primary and secondary studies. [...]
Pagella in Tasca – Interview with Elena Rozzi
Pagella in Tasca is one of the programmes participating in the COMET network of legal pathways facilitating a new start for people in need of international protection. [...]
Call for Application for University Students
Refugees residing in Cameroon, Niger and Chad will be able to study for a Master's degree, which lasts 2 years, at Clermont Auvergne University starting from September 2023. [...]
Toolkit for Evidence-Informed Policymaking in Migrant Integration
This toolkit aims to help policymakers, program implementers, and other actors involved in migrant integration efforts more fully leverage evidence in their work, and thus promote the development of an evidence culture in the field[...]
Working Group on Resettlement
Two COMET partner organisations are represented at this year's meeting of the Working Group on Resettlement which is preparing for UNHCR's Annual Tri-Partite Consultations on Resettlement in Geneva at the end of June. [...]
Humanitarian corridors, 97 Afghan refugees arrived in Rome today
50 Syrian refugees - families and individuals, including also 23 minors and some persons with disabilities - landed this morning at Rome Fiumicino. Their entry to Italy was facilitated by a network of humanitarian corridors promoted by [...]
German Government admission programme for people from Afghanistan
Since the Taliban seized power, many people in Afghanistan [...]