News & stories
German humanitarian admission programme NesT becomes permanent
The German humanitarian admission programme NesT, after a successful [...]
UNICORE, the first refugee students have arrived in Catania
The first 2 refugee students from the project UNICORE - University Corridors for Refugees - have arrived in Catania. The project aims to increase opportunities for refugees currently residing in Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, [...]
Humanitarian corridors, new arrivals from Lebanon
50 Syrian refugees - families and individuals, including also 23 minors and some persons with disabilities - landed this morning at Rome Fiumicino. Their entry to Italy was facilitated by a network of humanitarian corridors promoted by [...]
Libya, Humanitarian corridors: “Not charity but an expression of the constitutional democratic republic”
114 refugees from Libya arrived in Fiumicino at Terminal 5 this afternoon. They come from Syria and some African countries, including Eritrea, Sudan, South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. [...]
Afghanistan, 158 refugees safe through humanitarian corridors
158 Afghan refugees will land in Fiumicino on 24th November from Islamabad, thanks to the humanitarian corridors supported by the Bishops' Conference of Italy (through Caritas Italiana), the Community of Sant'Egidio, the [...]
COMET project at the 10th Migration Convention
COMET partner FCCD was pleased to present the COMET project at the 10th Migration Convention, organized by the Ortega y Gasset University Research Institute [...]
Unaccompained minors from the project “pagella in tasca” have arrived in italy
A second group of four unaccompained minors arrived today at Turin airport, thanks to the project Pagella in tasca – education channels for refugee minors, promoted by the humanitarian organization INTERSOS [...]
5 refugee students pursue their higher education
Forum réfugiés facilitates international mobility to France for 5 refugee students thanks to a University Corridor: students from Cameroon, Niger and Chad are welcomed for this academic year by the University of Clermont Auvergne and the University Jean Monnet of Saint Etienne. [...]
First call for candidates refugee students in Niger
The French partner Forum Réfugiés Cosi, in collaboration with the University of Clermont Auvergne, has launched a first call for candidates to identify refugee students in Niger interested in taking part in the project. [...]